
About Me
Advice for Home Extensions, Additions and Adaptations

Thanks for checking out my blog! My name's Olivia, and I'll be sharing my advice about construction and contractors here. When my husband and I first decided to move in together, we didn't fall in love with any of the homes on the market so we decided to build our own. We learned a lot about construction and contractors during that time, but our journey wasn't over yet. Over the years, we've had multiple changes made to our custom home, including extensions to accommodate new babies, adaptations for in-laws moving in and even an outbuilding studio for my son's music production endeavours. As you can imagine, I've had to do a lot of research on home building over the years, and now I'd love to pass that advice on to anyone else who needs it. Look around—I'm sure you'll find something useful.


How to Ensure Impeccable Scratch Repair on Your Wood Laminate Floor

13 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Replacing your worn out floor with wood laminate flooring would not only add aesthetic value to your home, but it also guarantees you years of service. Wood laminate flooring is becoming a mainstay in the commercial and residential building's space. Despite the cost of installation being relatively high, this type of flooring is well worth the investment. However, since the laminate is made from sturdy plastic fixed on the surface of the wood, it could withstand daily wear and tear. Read More …

2 Common Water Damage Problems That Affect Plasterboard Ceilings

12 July 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When water meets a plasterboard ceiling, it's never a good combination. Plasterboard is a highly porous material and being exposed to water can cause many problems with its appearance and function. Some water damage is immediately obvious, but some can happen slowly over time. Either way, once water has caused damage, it's incredibly important that you have it repaired as soon as possible to prevent the problem from becoming worse or causing further issues. Read More …

4 Ways A Carport Can Provide Protection For Your Car

30 June 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Having an undercover space to store your car is a highly desirable feature in a home. A garage is the most popular option but it's also an expensive project to complete. For a more cost-effective option, a carport is an ideal compromise. Here are four benefits to installing a carport on your property: 1. Protection from the sun If you live in a region that experiences hot summer weather, then you'll understand how unpleasant it is getting into a car that's been sitting in the heat of the midday sun. Read More …

How to Choose the Best Chain Link Fence for a Residential Property

29 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

A chain link fence is a good choice for any residential property, as it will provide basic security and is very affordable as well. When you shop for a chain link fence, you may find that you have more choices and options than you realized, so note a few tips for choosing the best one for your property. Choose steel Steel is probably the strongest material available for a chain link fence, and this metal is often given a zinc coating to protect it from rusting, which also adds to its strength. Read More …