
About Me
Advice for Home Extensions, Additions and Adaptations

Thanks for checking out my blog! My name's Olivia, and I'll be sharing my advice about construction and contractors here. When my husband and I first decided to move in together, we didn't fall in love with any of the homes on the market so we decided to build our own. We learned a lot about construction and contractors during that time, but our journey wasn't over yet. Over the years, we've had multiple changes made to our custom home, including extensions to accommodate new babies, adaptations for in-laws moving in and even an outbuilding studio for my son's music production endeavours. As you can imagine, I've had to do a lot of research on home building over the years, and now I'd love to pass that advice on to anyone else who needs it. Look around—I'm sure you'll find something useful.


Is Your Garage Door Opening By Itself?

23 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If your garage has a connecting door to the main house, it can be scary to imagine the door opening by itself. When this happens during the night or when nobody is around, the garage door can expose your house to risk. For this reason, it may be worth inspecting your door regularly to ensure that it does not have this problem. However, if it does, you can quickly identify the cause, get it fixed immediately and improve the security of your home. Read More …

Finding the best shed for your farm

23 February 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Your farm just wouldn't be a farm without its sheds. From machinery sheds to barns and storage sheds, your sheds provide a place to work, to shelter animals and store your valuable assets. If you're in the market for a new farm shed you'll want as much functionality as possible while remaining on budget and, with a wide range of sheds on the market, you're sure to find just the thing. Read More …

Five Situations Where Fixed Docks Work Well for Marinas

8 January 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When you are hiring someone to do marina construction, you have to decide between floating and fixed docks. There are numerous advantages to floating docks. Namely, they are versatile, move with the water, and come in easy-to-extend modular designs. However, in spite of these advantages, there are still situations where you may want to choose stationary docks. In particular, you may want to opt for a fixed dock in the following situations. Read More …

The Crate And The Good: The Advantages Of Choosing Wooden Crates To Transport Bottled Wine

6 December 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Transporting expensive, vintage wines by land, sea and air can be a nerve-wracking business, and even the most modest of table wines deserves packaging capable of keeping it safe during its journey from the vineyard to a customer's glass. For many winemakers, this means turning to modern packaging materials such as moulded polystyrene and inflatable plastic; however, the venerable wooden wine crate is far from obsolete. When properly constructed by a reputable crate manufacturer, timber crates can be a tremendously practical and cost-effective way to protect your wines during journeys both long and short. Read More …

Scaffolding: The Three Primary Options Available For Your Residential Construction

31 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you plan to engage in some residential construction or renovations on a multi-storey home, one of the critical structures to have would be scaffolding. Scaffolding is typically associated with commercial buildings since they are used to access the higher levels of a building. Although the primary function of the scaffolding is to provide a platform to walk on as well as hold materials, there are various types to consider depending on your principal requirements. Read More …