Construction Contractors

About Me
Advice for Home Extensions, Additions and Adaptations

Thanks for checking out my blog! My name's Olivia, and I'll be sharing my advice about construction and contractors here. When my husband and I first decided to move in together, we didn't fall in love with any of the homes on the market so we decided to build our own. We learned a lot about construction and contractors during that time, but our journey wasn't over yet. Over the years, we've had multiple changes made to our custom home, including extensions to accommodate new babies, adaptations for in-laws moving in and even an outbuilding studio for my son's music production endeavours. As you can imagine, I've had to do a lot of research on home building over the years, and now I'd love to pass that advice on to anyone else who needs it. Look around—I'm sure you'll find something useful.


From Rakes to Spoons: 5 Surprising Items That Can Help Keep Your Carpet Looking Great

31 August 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Keeping your carpet looking new is challenging but extremely rewarding. Diligence about vacuuming, spot cleaning and professional cleaning is essential, but there are other things you should do as well. Wondering what items can help keep your carpet looking nice? Take a look at this list of essentials—some of these items may surprise you. 1. Vacuum Filters Using a vacuum on its own is simply not enough if you truly want a clean carpet. Read More …

Questions to Ask When Renting Portable Toilets

23 August 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

It is important for you to gather as much information as possible before you pay for portable toilets. That information will help you to get the most suitable toilets for your needs. This article discusses some key questions that you should ask portable toilet hire companies before you select the toilets to hire. How Can Long Queues Be Avoided? Let the experienced people at the toilet hire company advise you about the most cost-effective ways to prevent long queues from developing at the portable toilets at your construction site during breaks in a work shift. Read More …

Two tips for building a high-quality asphalt driveway

21 August 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you have decided to have an asphalt driveway built on your property, there are several steps your contractor should take to ensure that this structure is built to a high standard. Read on to find out what these steps are. Take drainage requirements into account There are several types of asphalt used in the construction industry, including porous, semi-permeable and non-permeable. Most asphalt construction projects, including driveways, involve the use of the non-permeable variety of this material. Read More …

Two crucial safety precautions to take when performing a demolition

21 August 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Demolishing a building can be a dangerous process. Here are two safety precautions those who provide demolition services must take when carrying out this type of work. Minimise dust inhalation The inhalation of any type of dust can result in lung irritation and can exacerbate a person's existing lung conditions (such as asthma, for example). However, the types of dust often generated by demolition work can be particularly harmful when inhaled. Read More …

What to Look for in an Excavation Contractor

17 August 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Whenever you need to dig a basement, demolish a building or move rock, debris or other materials on your property, you will need an excavation contractor. Excavation contractors specialise in removing materials from clients' property and are the right people to call for this task. Attempting to do the job yourself is potentially hazardous and should not be attempted. Many people are understandably nervous at the prospect of hiring an excavation contractor, having never needed to think much about that type of job in the past. Read More …